Entrepreneurs & Project Managers - One in the Same?

Project Manager & Entrepreneur - Converging Skills

Effective time management and prioritization of tasks; Effective communication; Ability to problem-solve; Flexibility; Preparedness (i.e., having backup plans); Trust that team members will complete their jobs (i.e., does not micromanage), Psychologically and socially intelligent to understand human interactions and group dynamics, Effectively identifies talent and aligns individual skillsets to the appropriate tasks; Must adapt quickly and be ready to wear many hats (you must work as a generalist even if you are a specialist)

Project Manager - Divergent Skills

Micro-level execution of tasks; Equips team members with the nuanced tools needed to complete their tasks; follows up with team members at the micro-level; Must respect and implement efficiencies and set up team members with the ability to executive their tasks productively

Entrepreneur - Divergent Skills

Macro-level execution of tasks; Equips team members with the broad vision needed to complete their tasks; follows up with team members at the macro-level; Must understand efficiencies and ensure that the team is efficient and productive (but this can be accomplished by hiring the correct Project Manager)

Do Project Managers Need to be Entrepreneurial / Entrepreneurs Need to be Project Managers?

I try to avoid painting with broad strokes. I can understand why some students will answer "yes" to this question because of the converging skills between the two. Heck, most of our supplemental reading content shared their similarities. However, the answer to this question is within the nuances for me.

It is beneficial for Project Managers to be entrepreneurial, but it is unnecessary. 

It is beneficial for entrepreneurs to exhibit the skills of a Project Manager, but it is unnecessary. Further, if the entrepreneur acts as a Project Manager, it would likely bring down the organization (unless we are speaking about a solopreneur venture, of course).

There were a few more divergent skills required of an entrepreneur that I have not previously shared. They are the capacity for organizational direction; executive decision-making abilities/responsibilities; firmness; creativity; and vision.

Entrepreneurs MUST brainstorm, be creative, and do Cal Newport-style "Deep Work." They must constantly conduct future-back thinking to keep their business ahead of trends. This opens up new revenue opportunities and safeguards the venture from future threats. 

While Project Managers would benefit from having this skillset, they are judged on the NOW. They must execute for today and have a defined window of how far in the future they can look (represented by the tasks they are responsible for managing).  

Said more simply, organizations must hire the dutiful Project Manager, and be led by the visionary entrepreneur. The words dutiful and visionary are not synonymous.